Student Fundraising Landing Page

Student(s) Name(s) (This is a family fundrsier landing page, you can include multiple siblings)(Required)
Select the school student will attend.
Add a paragraph sharing the reason you are requesting tax credit contributions for your student(s). (Limit to 3-4 sentences)
Please upload a head shot or a group photo of your student(s) in jpg or png format. You may upload up to three photos, including a family photo.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 512 MB, Max. files: 3.
    Parent(s)/ Gaurdian's Name(s)(Required)
    This phone number can be inserted at the end of your letter on the landing page as a point of contact to your prospective donors along with STO4KIDZ phone number.
    STO4KIDZ will email you the link to your student's landing page.