Creating Scholarships for Fiona, Archer & Victor Rose

Hello neighbors and our new friends,
My name is Frank Rose. In mid-February, I moved my family of 6 (soon to be 7) to southern Arizona. We love it here so far, and would like to send our 3 oldest children, Fiona - 11, Archer - 8, and Victor - 5 to a school called Veritas Academy of Tucson.
In search of how to afford private school tuition, we have learned about the Arizona Tuition Tax Credit program, which allows taxpayers to redirect a portion of their income tax liabilities towards education at no-out-of-pocket cost to them. You will get 100% of it back as a credit, your Arizona tax liability will be reduced dollar-for-dollar when you contribute to the Scholarship organization that turns tax dollars into scholarship. We have chosen STO4KIDZ.ORG.
The cost to you is ZERO, but the benefit to our children will be priceless! Everyone really does win! The Arizona 2020 Tax Credit Maximums is $2,365 if married filing jointly/ & $1,183 if filing single, or your actual tax liability, whichever is less. You can contribute online here through April 15, 2021, or print and fill out the form here and mail it in with a check. STO4KIDZ will email you a receipt for your taxes.
If you are a non-Arizona residence and would like to help us lower our children's tuition, you can donate online here or print the donation form here mail it along with your check to STO4KIDZ. Your donation is 100% tax-deductible because STO4KIDZ is a 501(c)3, non-profit charitable organization.
When making your contribution please insert the information below:
Student’s names: Fiona, Archer, Victor Rose
School name: Veritas Christian Academy
If you know others who could benefit from this tax credit, please share this information with them. Thank you for considering, please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions. Please email us with any questions or you can speak directly with STO4KIDZ staff at (602-698-8855).
We appreciate your consideration.
Frank Rose and the Rose family,